Metopa bruzelii

(Goes, 1866)

Body quite slender; coxal plate 4 distal margin convex; epimeral plate 3 posterodistal angle subquadrate. Head with triangular lateral lobes, apex acute; eyes moderately large, rounded. Antenna 1 and 2 about equal in length, about one-third of the body length; antenna 1 peduncle article 1 robust, a little longer than articles 2 and 3 together, flagellum one and a half times the length of the peduncle. Antenna 2 peduncle articles 4 and 5 about equal, flagellum a little shorter than the peduncle articles 4 and 5 together. Gnathopod 1 small, feeble, propodus slender and equal to the length of the carpus, palm not delimited, margin with three to five long setae, dactylus inner margin setulose. Male gnathopod 2 only moderately large and robust, propodus oval, palm oblique, convex, margin smooth, setulose, delimited by a small process and a pair of spines. Female gnathopod 2 generally similar to male except rather smaller. Pereiopods 5 to 7 moderately robust, merus broad, distal angle reaching three-quarters of the length of the carpus, pereiopods 6 and 7 basis broadly expanded. Uropod 3 peduncle elongate with three or four small marginal spines, ramus with the distal article slightly shorter than the proximal article. Telson oval, with two pairs of small dorsolateral spines, apex subacute.

Up to 4 mm.

Whitish, with patches of orange or red.

Depth range from 10 to 200 metres.

North Atlantic; Arctic Ocean; north and west Norway and around the Britsh Isles.