Iphimedia obesa

Rathke, 1843

Body very robust; pereion segment 7 and pleon segments 1 to 3 each with a pair of strong backwardly directed processes. Coxal plates 1 to 4 acute distally; plates 5 to 7 rounded. Epimeral plate 3 with two large, upturned teeth. Head with a curved rostrum, reaching to the end of peduncle article 1 of antenna 1; eyes very large, oval to kidney-shaped. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 ventral margin with a large distal tooth, article 2 with a smaller dorsal process, flagellum up to about 25-articulate. anterior margin setose. Antenna 2 about equal in length to antenna 1, flagellum up to about 20-articulate, anterior margin setose. Gnathopod 1 very slender, feeble, basis strongly angular, carpus and propodus subequal in length and extremely slender, propodus minutely chelate with few long plumose setae. Gnathopod 2 also long and slender, but much larger than gnathopod 1, propodus minutely chelate, carpus and propodus quite densely setose. Basis of pereiopod 5 rounded; basis of pereiopod 6 with the posterodistal angle acute: pereiopod 7 also with the posterodistal angle acute, posterior margin serrate. Uropods 1 and 3 with the rami about equal in length; uropod 2 inner ramus longer than the outer one. Telson slightly tapering distally, apex emarginate. with the distolateral angles acute, each with small spines.

Up to 12 mm.

Variable, whitish or yellowish with transverse bands of red or pink.

Depth range from 0 to 200 metres; usually found in shallow water often amongst Laminaria species.

North-East Atlantic. European coast from the Faeroes, Ă–resund and north Norway to northern France: also recorded from Mediterranean.