Menigrates obtusifrons

(Boeck, 1861)

Body extremely swollen; coxal plates 1 to 4 very long, plate 4 broadly emarginate, plates 5 to 7 large; epimeral plate 3 posterodistal angle with a large tooth. Head with triangularly produced lateral lobes; eyes moderately large, oval. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 very stout, almost as wide as long, articles 2 and 3 very compressed, flagellum in female as long as the peduncle and about 8-articulate, in male a little longer and up to 13-articulate; accessory flagellum 4-articulate. Antenna 2 equal to the length of antenna 1, flagellum in female up to about 8-articulate, in male up to 16-articulate; antenna 1 and 2 in male with calceoli. Gnathopod 1 simple, propodus much longer than the carpus, weakly curved and tapering, sparsely setose, dactylus short and robust. Gnathopod 2 minutely subchelate. Pereiopods 5 to 7 very short and robust, basis very large with the posterior margin serrate, merus expanded; pereiopod 7 basis longer than the rest of the appendages. Uropods 1 and 2 biramous, rami about equal; uropod 3 short, devoid of spines and setae, outer ramus 2-articulate and longer than the inner one. Telson short and broad, cleft to about one-third of its length, each lobe rounded distally with a small spinule.

Up to about 13 mm.

Pale yellow with a reddish tinge on the pereion.

Depth range from 10 to 200 metres.

Arctic Ocean; North-East Atlantic; Iceland; North Sea; European coast from north and west Norway to the Channel Isles.