Melphidippella macra

(Norman, 1869)

Body slender and laterally flattened; pleon segments 1 to 5 each produced dorsally into a large tooth, lateral margins with smaller teeth. Coxal plates small; plate 1 acute anteriorly. Epimeral plate 3 posterodistal angle with a small tooth, posterior margin finely toothed. Head with very large protruding eyes; lateral lobes broadly rounded with small apical tooth. Antenna 1 almost as long as body, peduncle article 1 stout, article 3 very small, flagellum long and very slender; accessory flagellum rudimentary, indistinct. Antenna 2 in female little shorter than 1, peduncle article 4 little longer than 5, flagellum shorter than peduncle. Antenna 2 in male equal to length of 1, peduncle article 4 large and rather laminar, flagellum equal to length of peduncle. Antenna 1 and 2 in male with adjacent peduncle margins finely setulose. Gnathopod 1 carpus elongate, tapering distally, densely setose; propodus narrowly oval and much smaller than carpus, setose, palm not defined, dactylus slender. Gnathopod 2 longer than 1, carpus and propodus elongate, slender, with groups of long marginal setae, palm indistinct, dactylus small. Pereiopods 3 and 4 extremely slender, carpus and propodus about equal, dactylus very small. Pereiopods 5 to 7 more robust. Pereiopod 5 basis with posterodistal angle acute. Uropods 1 and 2 spinose, outer ramus little shorter than inner; uropod 3 extremely elongate, spinose, rami about equal and little longer than peduncle. Telson cleft beyond half length, each lobe apically acute with single long seta and several small lateral setules.

Up to 8 mm.

Red, mottled with white.

Depth range from 10 to 200 metres.

North Atlantic, American and European coasts; North Sea; Atlantic coast of Europe from southern Norway; also North Africa, south to Senegal.