Phoxocephalus holbolli

(Kröyer, 1842)

Body quite robust, smooth, in male urosome segment 3 with a distinct mid-dorsal hump. Coxal plate 1 only weakly expanded distally, plates 2 and 3 narrowly rectangular, plate 4 much longer than wide. Epimeral plate 3 with the posterodistal angle narrowly rounded. Head with an elongate rostral hood, apex narrowly rounded, lateral margins sinuous; eyes poorly defined and without distinct visual elements. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 longer than 2 and 3 combined, flagellum about 6-articulate; accessory flagellum 4-articulate. Antenna 2 peduncle article 4 much larger than 5, robust, spinose, flagellum in female small and about 6-articulate, in male filiform, as long as body and with calceoli. Gnathopods 1 and 2 propodus subrectangular, palm oblique, convex, delimited by triangular process and large spine; gnathopod 2 slightly larger than 1. Pereiopods 3 and 4 carpus with very large robust distal spine on posterior margin, dactylus small. Pereiopod 5 basis with large posterior lobe. Pereiopod 6 elongate, robust, longer than 7. Pereiopod 7 basis extremely expansive, posterior margin serrate. Uropod 3 in male rami about equal, lanceolate, with plumose setae; in female outer ramus sparsely setose, inner ramus about three-quarters length of article 1 of outer ramus. Telson triangular, cleft to base, each lobe with 1 or 2 apical spinules.

Up to 7 mm.

Pale brown to orange, with whitish blotches.

Depth range from 0 to 400 metres; on fine sand and mud.

Arctic-boreal; widespread in North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean; American and European coasts; Southern Baltic, North Sea; English Channel.