Stegocephaloides christianiensis

Boeck, 1871

Coxal plates 1 to 4 forming a continuous rigid shield. Epimeral plate 3 with the posterodistal angle subacute, minutely bidentate or crenulate. Head with a small rostrum; lateral lobes small, triangular. Antenna 1 peduncle article 1 as long as articles 2 and 3 together, flagellum 4-articulate with article 1 elongate, laminar, setose, and article 4 spiniform; accessory flagellum very small, 1-articulate. Antenna 2 slender, flagellum 6 to 9-articulate. Gnathopods small and simple; gnathopod 1 basis slender with the margins setose, ischium, merus and carpus setose, propodus slender with the palm not delimited, posterior margin spinose, dactylus small. Gnathopod 2 similar to gnathopod 1, ischium and merus with a pronounced posterior lobe and long plumose setae. Pereiopods 3 to 6 basis slender. Pereiopod 7 basis very large, angular distally, posterior margin finely serrate. Uropods 1 to 3 biramous, rami about equal. Telson cleft to half its length.

Up to about 7 mm.

Dark greenish brown, mottled.

Depth range from 40 to 750 metres.

Arctic Ocean; eastern North Atlantic, North Sea, from Norway to the western Mediterranean.